Chapter 5 - The Developing Reader
I know I am writing this early before the group is posting it, so I will link up later.
Here is the link. Beth at is giving us our notes. Check with her to see her thoughts and all the others who link up.
Chapter 5 continues on the basics of Before, During, and After Reading strategies, but takes it up a level. These readers are transitioning from reading out loud to reading in their heads. Something I realize, is this may not just be young readers, in fact in my 6th Grade classroom I have some of these. They may be the students with learning disabilities, are a little behind, or my English Language Learners. This chapter also reminded me of some strategies I could use with my strugglers.
One thing that really hit me was having the student read the story through once, and then after the second read you start the comprehension part. Give them the opportunity to tackle those words, because during tackling you loose meaning of the text. Maybe I need to explain this to my students better. I'm not sure if everyone does this, but in Texas and our state exams we always tell the kids to read and reread before they answer the questions. It still amazes me at how many student refuse to do this. How many times when you are reading a professional or personal book do you go back and reread something to clarify. I know I do.
When Lori talks about "mini-Lessons" you can do with the groups and then the must do's that go along with it, I thought "oooooh - this is how I can fit this into Daily 5/CAFE and get grades". Those Must Do's are assessments, who says a rubric with those can't be a grade.
I am really enjoying refreshing my brain with this book. I can't wait for Chapter 6. Happy 4th to all and Happy Reading.
Thanks so much for posting and linking up. I agree with you about the refreshing your brain and the Must-Do's. I posted about them too!!
Thinking of Teaching
Nicole, Your link for Chapter 6 actually links back to my post! Did you want to go back and fix it or do you want me to do it?
Thinking of Teaching